Monday, April 20, 2009

Decking/ Layout Plans

I am about 70 % completed on the deck. Only if the hobby shop had enough material at one time for me to get enough to finish it.

I was brainstorming with my fellow railroader friend, Jerry Diaz and we came out with a great idea on my layout of doing split level. Since I am doing an urban/city railroad. A railroad serving a particular city, we came up with the idea of having the standard gauge running on level ground while the narrow gauge will run on two levels. An upper and lower level. That would give me more running space and more city space. So the Standard Gauge will have room to run and serve industries on the ground level while the narrow gauge will serve on both levels.

So now that their is a distinctive plan, the work should go faster !

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting. Drawn a track plan yet? It will be interesting to see.
