Friday 24th, 2009. Went to the hobby shop and bought all the planking that they had (15 pieces). I went ahead and order a batch more. I went to get some Dio-Sol, they did not have any either, so I ask them to order it for me with the batch of balsa planking. Everything that I needed it they did not have it in stock, so I asked them to order it. i did get the I-beams that I needed to do the entrance post for the wharf and the chains to hang the sign. When I got home I started to install more plankings.
Saturday 25th of April: Continue installing more planks. Until I did them all. I have about 15 % more to do before the whole deck is done. Now I just have to wait for it to come. I weather a couple of boxcars, standard gauge ones to have on the layout. Since I did not have any more materials to work on the deck I started to work on the removable section that goes across the closet door. I added and installed the standard gauge track and also hand-laid the narrow gauge track. At least I added 27 more inches of standard and narrow gauge track.
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