Well it has been a awhile since I have updated my blog so here it is:
I've done a lot since the last post. The second level of the layout has been installed. This is the section where most of the On30 track will be. Most of the switching will be up here also. Here you can see the first grade almost completed. The only left here is to do the Warren Bridge which will be installed here.
Also you can see on this corner the three elevation of the layout. The bottom left you can see the standard gauge train and on the right you can see the narrow gauge boxcar. On the ramp you also see another narrow gauge boxcar and on the top level you c

On this photo is the southwest portion of the layout. This is the corner where the railroad comes out of the wharf and into the city. The standard railroad will go underneath the city as you can see and the Narrow Gauge turns to the left and goes up the ramp that you see on the above photo. The Standard gauge will come out on the southwest corner underneath the Warren bridge as you can also see on the top photo. The narrow gauge track is hand-laid track while the standard is from Old Pullman.
The last photo is the end of the line for the standard gauge. The next post I will cover the second level.
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